Thursday, January 17, 2013


Gossip. Something that the world revolves around. We as humans need gossip like we need air. But when does it seem like gossip has become more important then our own needs and wants? I have found that gossip is like watching TV with your friends. In other words we crave it. We buy so many gossip magazines that we forget that we live in a world with more important issues. What is it going to take for people to understand that as a whole we need to change the world in a positive way then in a negative way? When I see a magazine with gossip on the front page it makes me want to gag. Who cares that this celebrity is doing or that one. Who cares? I want to change the world were gossip doesn't happen but that is just in fantasy land. I can and will admit that I can gossip but there is a time and a place for it and work is not one of them. Gossip hurts people's feelings and it can get them every upset. I don't talk to my friends because of this. I only talked to one friend today and I told her how I felt about this whole thing between her and her ex. My boyfriend and I just don't want to deal with it anymore. At the end of the day it just might cause you to lose some sleep over it. Plus some of it could be a complete lie. In that case you should and need to take a step back from it and tell yourself not to get involved at that point. Talking about it is only going to make it worse and some one could get mad over it. Since when was it OK to start making gossip more than it should be? Why can't we as a whole leave things alone? Why can't we just say enough is enough? Why drag things on for so long? I don't see any point in it at all. Do you? Should we take a break from gossip at all? Yes.

Challenge of the day: For one month don't buy any gossip magazines and don't gossip about other people.
Question of the day: Would you be willing to stop gossiping about people?

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