Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Life is a word that never seems to make any scene to us as human beings. We know it surrounds us everyday and we know it can get taken away or start brand new. Every one says their life is hard and I'm sure it is but what about those who live on the streets? Their life is really hard. We always seem to forget that as humans we never look out for those in need. We always look out for ourselves. Like my grandparents say the rich keep getting richer and poor keep getting poorer. In a way this is true because no matter what the middle class does we end up getting the fuzzy end of the lollipop. I think life is funny like that. But we must never take life for grated because you never know when your time is up. I think everyone should stop and smell the roses everyday at least then we can work together to make life on earth some what easier. Every one has a bucket list. But if you don't "cross" off what is on your bucket list you will look back and say to yourself why didn't I do that when I was younger. My boyfriend and I are in our 20's and we are trying to live healthy lives. I can also say that I have gone camping. I can cross going to New Zealand and Australia off my bucket list. I can also cross off going over seas and helping in a medical/mission trip. There are a lot of things I want to do before  my time is up. And I'm sure every one feels the same way. You have to live your life the way you want it because no one else will cross things off your bucket list for you. That is up to you. When I have three days off of work I spend those days with my boyfriend because he gives me a scene of peace. Don't take your loved one for granted either because life is to short for that. So who knows what life as in store for us these days. All we can do is try to live happy lives that mean something to us.

Challenge of the day: Make a bucket list and cross things off of it. Also take a day off or a weekend off and do some of those things on your bucket list.
Question of the day: If you could do one thing for a day what would it be and why?

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