Vacations are something that I think every one should take just to get away from the real world. I think vacations are the greatest things ever because you can go somewhere and know that your phone might not work at all. And even if it does you have the option to answer or not. I sometimes answer when I feel like it. But that is only because my boyfriend is keeping an eye on the house and cat. I also think that if everyone took a vacation people who be more nice to others. I like to read travel magazines because I think it would be wonderful to visit different places over the world. When I read an article my mind goes to that place that I'm reading about and I can see, hear, and smell what the author is writing about in that magazine. One of my dreams is to write for a travel magazine which will never happen. So when I go on my next vacation I will blog about my vacation. I have come to realize that writing about your life experiences helps you cope with every day life. And that's when a vacation comes to the rescue. I have found that when I take a vacation it helps me clear my head and it helps me realize that I am the same person no matter what. I think it helps when you go AWOL and you come back a different person because you have cut yourself off from the real world and you realize that your mini vacation is just what you needed all along. I feel like the president should on on a vacation and turn his phone off. I think this government should go on vacation. But sadly they can't because they have important things to worry about in this country. My boyfriend and I are even planning a vacation for just the two of us. Will it happen? It might but who knows. Only time will tell. So to every one out there plan a vacation to where ever you want to go and just go.
Challenge of the day: Plan a get away for you and your family or for you and your loved one. And write about it
Question of the day: If you could go to any place where would you go?
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