Friday, March 8, 2013


Change is something that not everyone is ready for or able to handle.  Some people think that when a person changes for the better it's a joke. Well I'm going through that right now where I have to decide either I change for the better or I stay the same. When you want to make a change that can be for the better then you go for it. Don't let that moment pass you by. Sure people are going to look at you and ask you why but that's none of their business. When I told my friends that I wanted to change they laughed at me saying I couldn't do it. Well I did and I'm still learning how to change for the better. Sure it's going to take some time but in the end it will be worth it. Change isn't a bad thing. We humans think that when change happens it will either be good or bad. I think change is the way you make it in life. You have the opportunity to change your life some how in this world and some people don't take that when it comes knocking on their door. I think if change is at your door knocking then you should answer it and welcome it. And if the change is bad some how make it work for you that way you don't get upset over it. Make change work for you and only you. Or you can make it work for your family. Every one has to make that choose to change once in their lives and when you do that then you will see how much you needed that change.

Challenge of the day: Change something about yourself
Question of the day: Do you think change is possible.

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