Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Heartbreak is something that we all try to avoid if possible. When we get to that point of heartbreak we find ourselves at the cross-road we want to run away from. So what do we do if we reach that cross-roads? We think of the easiest way possible for us to heal faster and not slower. Heartbreak is always going to be there waiting for us to mess up or waiting for some one to hurt us in the process. But we can pick ourselves us and we can fix our own broken hearts by going on a trip or by going shopping. There are many ways to heal this broken heart but we forget that sometimes we need to be able to heal without the pain of remembering why it got broken to begin with. When we forget it heals. For the first time in our lives we are able to look back and say I was able to heal on my own. But we also get help from people we never knew wanted to help in the first place. When I met my boyfriend he and I were just friends. We knew each other but we never really talked one on one. So one day I was upset and he walked up to me and sat down and we just talked. Well I talked he listened because he felt bad. When my ex and I broke up I sent him a text message and once again he let me talk about my feelings and my broken heart. He was able to fix it just by listening to what I had to say. He didn't even judge me about my feelings. He is trying to make sure that my heart doesn't get broken again. So maybe the answer is simple. We need to find some one who will just listen without judging us and hold us when we cry and not say a word. We need to be able to find that right one who will help us with our problems. Maybe with a little help from our hearts we can find the  one who will help heal our broken hearts for good.

Challenge of the day: Heal your own broken heart by taking care of yourself
Question of the day: How are you able to heal your broken heart?

Friday, February 22, 2013


Why is the question we always ask ourselves when nothing goes our way. We seem to always look for the answer when we are stuck in the famous Why question. At lunch today with my boyfriend I asked him the why question. His answer to my question was because I needed you in my life. My question was "Why me?" Sometimes we want the answer right after we ask ourselves this question and that is impossible because if we knew the answer in the first place we wouldn't be asking ourselves the question to begin with. So how do we keep ourselves from asking the "Why" question? Well there is no way that I know of. If there is then I would like to know how to keep myself from asking it as well. We can never be sure of how the answer will come to us. For some it comes to late or it comes right away. But sometimes it comes after we stop thinking about it. Being able to stop and think is a good way to kind of stale the question we keep asking each and every day. We will always ask ourselves why but at the end of the day isn't it obvious? As people we expect the answer to come quickly but when it doesn't we get upset and we move on. There is no shame on asking ourselves why do we do the things we do. So my question to you is this. When do we stop asking ourselves why?

Challenge of the day: For a month don't ask yourself the why question
Question of the day:  Do you ever ask yourself the why question at night?

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Changes are something that can be easy or hard to make. We all want to change but when is it enough for us. As humans we think that change can be hurtful or helpful but it all depends on how you make that change and what you want to change. You can change the way you look but there are people who loved you the way you looked before. But that change has to be able to stick to you and your life. Change is never easy and it can effect those around you if you don't let them know. But there are those changes where you don't need to tell anybody and just do it. If you want to better yourself then just do it. Here in Florida there are a lot of changes each and every day. And it's always in the paper. If we don't make changes within the place we live we can not make changes to how we act. We have to be able to let the B.S. go and say enough is enough. We should also say I can make those changes and if no one likes it then oh well. We shouldn't be afraid of making changes that are good for us and the world. When we make changes we want to make sure that we do it when we know how to do it. We can't always make other people happy when we decide to make a change that might be good for us in the end.  We have to be able to take a step back and say to ourselves I need to make a change and I need to make that change now. We can't wait for some one to make the change for us we have to do that on our own. But if we do it on our own then people will ask us how we did it and why. So what do you say to some one who asks us why? You look at them with a straight face and say I did it because I can and I feel good about it. If the change makes you happy then you should make that change to benefit you and your lifestyle. So good luck with the changes you decide to make in your life. May it work out for you.

Challenge of the day: Make changes that help you with your lifestyle.
Question of the day: How have changes helped you?


Confusion is something that makes people start to doubt what they know or knew. Sometimes people get so caught up in their confusion that they find themselves in this state that they don't know how to get out of it. It's use to confuse yourself but how did it get to the point where you don't know how to fix it or yourself? As people we need to be able to stop and think before we get more confused but then when we do that we get more confused. I have found that when you get confused about a situation that you don't know how to fix you can go to some one you trust and ask them to help. I never thought how much confusion there is in this world. Of course we as humans have to be smart enough to go through this world without being stuck on a confusing situation when we are faced with one. So when do you accept this confusion for what it really is a really dumb thing? We can only try to figure out how to make the problem work in our favor not the problems favor. We have to be able to say no to the problem when we have to pick which option works against us. Only then must we say I was able to figure out the confusion that I was facing and I can do it again. We will never know how to make confusion completely go away. So here's another toast. A toast to confusion. May we always continue to figure out how to fix the problems you throw at us.

Challenge of the day: When you get confused take a step back and breath
Question of the day: How bad does confusion get for you?

Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Clarity is something that every one needs in their life. You may not know it at the time but you do. There are times when we have to stop and look at ourselves and say when do I get to relax without worrying about other people. It's easy to say I need time to myself but when you do get time to yourself what do you do? Well there are some people who make sure that the house work gets done or clothes get washed. But when do you just get to lay in bed without having to make sure the house is clean or the clothes are clean? All we seem to do is work. When we do get days off we need to go to the beach and just listen to the waves crashing against the shore. Or we need to have a movie marathon of your favorite movies. I watch TV until I get tired and then I get some sleep. We need to make sure our relationships have clarity as well because things can be said and they can be hurtful towards that person. When we don't express our thoughts to that person they can't help us fix it. But at the same time when is it OK not to express how we want our clarity? We need to make sure that the clarity is what we want in our lives because we never know how it will work with us at that moment in time. So what can we do to make sure we clarify ourselves and our lives? Well I hate to say it I don't have the answer to that question. I think it takes time to make sure you know what you want to say and do with your time. Clarity doesn't come over night this much I know. I also know that you need to be able to tell the difference between your world and the real world. You need to be able to stop and say I don't want to continue to push myself over the edge everything I do something wrong. But when you stop and meditate then the clarity shows up. I don't know when clarity will show up for me or you but if we work on it then one day we will be able to say I did it on my own. So here is a toast to clarity may it bring us want we hoped for.

Challenge of the day: Stop and think about what clarity means to you.
Question of the day: Does clarity help at all or is it fake?

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

When to let go of the past

Letting go of the past is never easy because we always think about it at one time or another. We think about it when we hear a song on the radio or when we see an old family photo. But how do we let go of the past when an ex is involved? I have found that the only way to let go is to not answer any text messages sent your way. Why let the pain back in when you want it to go away. The best advice I got was to not open the door for more pain and heartache. You never know how it will effect that person you are with at the time. Sure it is helpful when you tell that person because that way you both can help each other. When my ex texted me today I told me boyfriend about it and he called me and asked me what he wanted so I told him the truth. Was there any fighting or yelling between the two of us? No, because we both knew how to handle it. So I didn't text back. If you don't give that other person the power then you can live a happy life with the person you are with. Plus an ex should never be a friend. leave that person a lone and in the past. Sure all of this sounds like crap but you will find that it might be helpful to leave that ex alone. Sure you may want to text back is it worth it again? Do you really want your heart to get broken again? I know I wouldn't want that to happen to me. Plus my boyfriend would be every upset with me if I ever texted my ex back. Never get into a fight with your ex because that just tells them that you still have a thing for them when you really don't. Like I said before don't reply back to their text messages and then hopefully they will get the hint. And if they don't block their number. It worked for me.

Challenge of the day: Make a list of things that are different between your current and ex.
Question of the day: Should ex's become friends with you?

Thursday, February 7, 2013


Comments are the words that can hurt or make some one feel good about themselves. We hear them every day at work or at home or any where. I think comments should be given when they are needed and when some one asks for it. I make sure to go through the comments to find the one that might help in any situation. Comments should never be hurtful but helpful. When some one gives you a mean comment what do you do? Well some say you should let it roll off your back and some say you should go tell the boss. So how do you handle it? Well you ignore it because it's not worth your job if you confront that person who made that comment. When comments are made you have to make sure that they don't bother you at all. Sure you can take them for what they are worth but in the end isn't you who makes the decision to follow with what they are? And who made it at the time? Like my boyfriend told me never let one bad comment ruin your day. Comments are supposed to be helpful or at least I think so. But in the real world they only hurt that person. So never take a comment head on because you never know how to interpret that comment that's been made. So what you do now with this is up to you.

Challenge of the day: When you get a comment towards you don't let it bother you.

Question of the day: Do you let comments get to you?