Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Finding peace

Finding peace is something that everyone tries to do. Even I am trying to find peace within my life. I read once called Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and I learned that finding peace is something that you have to learn to find by learning more about yourself and what you like. She discovered her inner peace by traveling and by meditating. I am finding it by reading and learning to meditating and redecorating. But when do you find that inner peace? And when is it enough for you? I don't have all the answers but I can tell you that finding inner peace is something that I hope to achieve in my life. I love the fact that finding peace is something that I think everyone should find it. I think our world leaders should really find this time and age. For example, if you find peace how long do you hold on to it? Is finding peace in the arms of the one you love? Or is it in what you love doing? Who knows only you do. I hope that every one finds their peace and I hope to hear how you found it and what steps you took to keep it.

Question of the day: How did you find your inner peace?

Challenge of the day:  Write back and tell me how you found the steps to get to your inner peace.

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