Friday, December 14, 2012


Children are a wonderful thing but at the same time they can be a pain but after today they are a blessing. I am sending out a heartfelt sorry to the parents who lost their kids today. I may not be a parent but I do babysit two kids one of them is 12 and the other is 5 years old. I would be very upset if something bad happened to them. I think every parent today feels the same way. We need to stop giving guns out like candy. It isn't fair to the parents who lost their kids today. I would hope that the president made it illegal to giving guns to those who aren't all there. Kids shouldn't have to die in a senseless death like today and years before. My boyfriend and I have both thought about our kids that we will have in the near future. We both hate having our kids come into this world full of hate and anger. We both realize that we will have to teach our kids the differences between right and wrong plus good and evil. Parents today need to take a stand against guns, drugs, whatever else we can think of. I can't imagine what is must be like to lose a child and I don't think I want to. But as a babysitter I would move heaven and earth to find and help those two kids I babysit. And I would do the same for my kids. Again I say to the parents who lost their kids at that school I am so sorry for your lose. And to the kids who had to watch this happen your parents are there to help and I hope you some how forget all of this.

To end this post I ask that everyone pray for the families and the kids.

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